Second Story Book

Do you know that

Uncover fascinating and little-known facts about the Bible with “Do You Know That? Explore the depths of this ancient text

Are you looking for a second storybook to help your children learn more about the Bible? Then The Bible in My Little Hands by Morenike Oye is an excellent choice! This delightful and colorful book is designed to make Bible stories come alive for young readers. With vibrant illustrations and engaging stories, it’s the perfect way to introduce children to the Bible and help them understand its teachings. Read on to learn more about this wonderful second storybook and how it can help your family grow in faith together.

Second Story Book


What readers will get out of this book?

The Bible in My Little Hands by Morenike Oye is a second storybook after the Bible that offers readers a unique and engaging perspective on Scripture. 

The book takes the reader on an interactive journey through the Bible, helping them gain a deeper understanding of God’s Word. 

Through fun and imaginative stories and illustrations, readers will gain knowledge about the Bible, its characters, stories, and messages. 

Additionally, readers will be able to explore various aspects of their faith and develop meaningful relationships with God. With this second story book, readers can dive deeper into the Bible and find spiritual nourishment for their souls.

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